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our services

Boiler Installations and repair

We specialise in installing efficient condensing domestic gas boilers that heat your home

System Installation

We speialise in range of products to design and deliver what is best for yuor home

Fan Motor Replacement

We specialise in rewinds, re-designs and repairs to electric motors, fans, A.H.U. units and pumps, throughout London

Heat Pump installations

Looking to reduce your heating and water bills and reduce the amount of carbon emissions? With our years of experience will offer the heat pump system to suit your needs – whether for your private home or commercial premises. We offer free advice and a no-obligation free quotation service.

A/C Installations

We offer a range of products to help with the climate control for all seasons by designing and installing a system which provides cool fresh air.

Duct Cleaning and Repair

Ventilation systems and ductwork can become contaminated and dirty over the period of their use, and issues are often hidden from general view. That is why regular ductwork cleaning is essential. The correct duct cleaning of ventilation units and the distribution ductwork and grilles is essential for the correct and efficient function of a building.

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